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We are looking for volunteers for 2025!

December 24, 2024

We are looking for volunteers for 2025!

With our call volume steadily increasing every year (over 325+ fire and 1000+ EMS calls in 2024) we still rely heavily on Volunteers to staff our apparatus and protect the growing community of Frederica and surrounding areas.

If you’re looking for a way to make a difference in your community weather it’s responding to Fires, vehicle accidents, water rescues, medical calls or the many other types of emergency calls we respond too or if you just want to help with fundraising or in an administrative role we have a place for you! No experience is required all necessary training is provided to you free of cost.

We have several types of membership available:

Cadet members:

Age 14-16

Cadet members are able to assist with events in the station. Participate in station training. And respond to emergency calls in limited roles under close supervision of training officers and senior members.

Junior members:

Age 16-18

Junior members are able to assist with station events. Participate in station training and begin taking classes through Delaware state fire school. After successfully completing training junior members can start getting cleared to ride fire apparatus and respond to calls.

Probationary members:

Age 18+

Probationary members are able to assist with station activities either in operational or administrative roles. Members can take classes at Delaware state fire school and start getting cleared on fire apparatus. After 1 year of probationary status and successful completion of all training and any other requirements members will be brought up to active member status.

Ride along members:

Active members in good standing of another fire department are able to ride with a letter from their home department. Ride along members can assist with staffing duty crews, respond to calls and participate in training and other activities with approval of the fire chief.

Membership applications can be found at the link below and dropped off at our station:

Please feel free to message this page with any questions or stop by our station.

We are looking for volunteers for 2025!

December 24, 2024

We are looking for volunteers for 2025!

With our call volume steadily increasing every year (over 325+ fire and 1000+ EMS calls in 2024) we still rely heavily on Volunteers to staff our apparatus and protect the growing community of Frederica and surrounding areas.

If you’re looking for a way to make a difference in your community weather it’s responding to Fires, vehicle accidents, water rescues, medical calls or the many other types of emergency calls we respond too or if you just want to help with fundraising or in an administrative role we have a place for you! No experience is required all necessary training is provided to you free of cost.

We have several types of membership available:

Cadet members:

Age 14-16

Cadet members are able to assist with events in the station. Participate in station training. And respond to emergency calls in limited roles under close supervision of training officers and senior members.

Junior members:

Age 16-18

Junior members are able to assist with station events. Participate in station training and begin taking classes through Delaware state fire school. After successfully completing training junior members can start getting cleared to ride fire apparatus and respond to calls.

Probationary members:

Age 18+

Probationary members are able to assist with station activities either in operational or administrative roles. Members can take classes at Delaware state fire school and start getting cleared on fire apparatus. After 1 year of probationary status and successful completion of all training and any other requirements members will be brought up to active member status.

Ride along members:

Active members in good standing of another fire department are able to ride with a letter from their home department. Ride along members can assist with staffing duty crews, respond to calls and participate in training and other activities with approval of the fire chief.

Membership applications can be found at the link below and dropped off at our station:

Please feel free to message this page with any questions or stop by our station.



Live Run Log

Thu, Feb 13, 2025 14:45

Nature Withheld

28 Cromer Ct

Thu, Feb 13, 2025 13:51

Medical Emergency

Withheld Due to Medical

Thu, Feb 13, 2025 09:32

Medical Emergency

Withheld Due to Medical


Run Stats

As of feb, 2025

31 Fire Calls

110 EMS Calls

141 Total Runs