Bingo has been canceled for this Friday, January 10th due to the weather.
See you on January 17th!
FVFC Mourns the loss of Life Member Jack Webb
With heavy hearts we announce the passing of Life Member Jack Webb. Jack was a firefighter for the Frederica VFC for 45 years. Jack could be seen helping the fire company during functions. Jack will greatly be missed. We appreciate everything he did for us. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
Alex Vazquez, Chief, was installed as 1st VP
Shirley Pennington, Treasurer, was installed as Secretary
Steve White, President, was installed as Treasurer
Congratulations to all the incoming officers!!
The first of our monthly training nights. Sta. 57 sent several members to train on our ambulance. We went over items on the ambulance, locations and operations of each.
Chief Alex Vazquez has announced his 2019 Line up:
Deputy Chief - Jerry Johnston,
1st Asst. Chief - Rick Rentz,
2nd Asst. Chief - Bob Roth,
3rd Asst. Chief - Freddie Moses,
Captain - Sean Rentz,
Captain - Tim Rost,
Captain - Open at this time,
Chief Engineer - Dave Ryall,
Asst. Chief Engineer - Bruce Slody,
Safety Officer - Bill Betts,
Ambulnce Captain - Christine Davila,
Fire Police:
Mike Barry,
Alvin Schmick,
Dave Jones,
Rod Ward,
Ken Ryder
All will be sworn in at Januarys company meeting.
Congratulations to all and have a safe year.
Tonight, we elected our leadership for the next year.
President - Steve White
Vice President - Jesus "Poncho" Davila Jr.
Secretary - Bill Betts
Treasurer _ Shirley Pennington
Asst. Treasurer - Eric Rager
Fire Recorder - Amanda Ziegler
Board Members - Jerry Johnston
- Rick Rentz
- Pete Rager
Fire Chief - Alex Vazquez
Deputy Chief, All Asst. Chief’s and Captains will be appointed at a later date
Station 42 along with stations 52, 57, 49 and 89 conducted live burn training. Crews used this training to train on breaching techniques and fire suppression skills. Structure was burnt down (with state approval) after training was completed.
Today the children get to go hands on with engines and learn Fire Fighter skills. Thank you to Station 57, DAFB Fire, Kent County 911 and DSP Trooper 2.
K-3rd Graders submit Fire Prevention drawings to be juged at the fire house. 1st place posters go on to County and possably State level. Good luck to all. Winners will be shown at a later date.